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  • Scarves and the cold season are a perfect combination. Understanding that, La Pham introduced to customers the  reversible scarf made of velvet which ensures the satisfaction of its users from the outer appearance to the inner side. The velvet material creates senses of ease and lightness for the wearers. Moreover, the designer delicately incorporated different cold and warm colors of each side to boost wearers' feminity and elegance and plus to adjust with different outfits. Currently, the product is available in different colors which diversifies the range of options for customers. For monocolour scarfs (green, white), they have tassels fixed to them at the tail - a cultural feature of women in mountainous regions. This design definitely brings the novelty and uniqueness to the wardrobe of its wearer.

    Reversible Velvet Scarf

    • Velvet materials

      Reversible and multiple style 

      Sustainable and ethnical fashion accesories product

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    Autonomiser les femmes en Asie

    Un projet de KIBV (Keep It Beautiful Vietnam) vise à autonomiser les femmes et les filles dans les villages de tissage minoritaires au Vietnam. C'est également une plate-forme pour promouvoir des tissus et des produits textiles durables avec des valeurs de haute qualité, environnementales et sociales.

    Courriel :

    Adresse :

    - 286 Nguyen Xien, Thanh Xuan

    Hanoi, Vietnam

    - Maschinenstrasse 11, 8005

    Zürich , Suisse

    Téléphone : +41 76 592 88 56

    +84 218 855 207

    © 2019 par Empowerwomenasia

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